Researchers for Planeterranean Diet

This section is devoted to collect preliminary availability of International researchers interested in cooperating with our UNESCO Chair into “Planeterranean Diet” Research Project, aimed at setting up different nutritional pyramids based on foods locally available in different parts of the world, that can be used to achieve the same health benefits already documented for Mediterranean Diet, due to nutritional and antioxodative properties of its components.
Individual researchers or research groups willing to collaborate into this project can contact:

Project Coordinators: Annamaria Colao & Antonia Trichopoulou


“Planeterranean” Diet: extending worldwide the health benefits of Mediterranean Diet based on nutritional properties of locally available foods –
Towards a ‘Planeterranean’ Diet Italian scientists propose a global research programme for a model based on local adaptations of the Mediterranean Diet. –
“Planeterranean” Diet: extending worldwide the health benefits of Mediterranean Diet based on nutritional properties of locally available foods. –
“Planeterranea”: An attempt to broaden the beneficial effects of the Mediterranean diet worldwide
Scientific evidence supporting the newly developed one-health labeling tool “Med-Index”: an umbrella systematic review on health benefits of mediterranean diet principles and adherence in a planeterranean perspective –
Editorial: Healthy foods and dietary patterns in modern consumer –